Monday, June 25, 2012

New projects and my first look at my classroom

I have been busy starting new projects and leveling books, but more exciting news came my way. I got an interview for the Dance Team Assistant Coach position and should know by tomorrow if I got the job. Even though it would be more work and probably more stress since its my first year teaching, I'm excited. At least I would able to be connected to dance! I have BIST training at the end of July.. however, if i get the dance position then I would have to do my BIST training later in the year (Something that I am kinda not sure about... I would rather do it during the summer and get the stipend money). Anywho

  1. Name plates/Tags for the students' desk: Decided to go with a luggage tag design, and use the maps I had bought. I still need to buy the blue stock paper to put behind the luggage tag design I have already made below. I also need my class list to print out the students names on the blue paper, to cut out and place on the center of the tag. Then I will laminate them with my thick, tough plastic laminate. 

2. Bought My teacher binder: still need to get the dividers so I can start putting it together. (Target)
3. I found pirate bins for my small groups.... went with pirates since that's our mascot (Target dollar bins)
4. I made my map magnets for my board.. or maybe even the front of my desk:

5. For my writing center: (TJ MAX)
6. Objective frames, painted old frames I had in the basement the same as my shelf (martha stewart: sunken pool), then placed scrapbook paper in them.Just need to add magnets or some sort of 3m stuff to stick them up.

NOW for my classroom.... before I have started decorating and organizing.

The door

 Right side.. I noticed the clock also has a digital part that tells the date.. how nice

 I think my desk might go in that corner... still working that out though.

Definitely replacing the dusty curtains. And need to find a big rug to cover that awful stain.

Wall for student work. That corner will probably be my reading corner

Cubby corner.. right now has all the desk, filing cabinet, book case and posters in it.

My only storage is those blue cabinets really and on top of them and the cubbies.

As you can see the pile of furniture and stuff I will have to sift through.

Apparently I get a chart cart... Although I don't know where it will fit when I get the desk out and every thing.

On last thing: Not school related but I was proud of my fixing up job on an old jewelry/music box I found at the goodwill outlet store:



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